Southern Uplands

The Galloway hills eastward to the Lammermuir hills. The Cheviots (including higher hills within the adjacent Northumberland NP).

Today's Forecast

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Viewing Forecast For

Southern Uplands
Thursday 19th September 2024
Last updated Wed 18th Sep 24 at 1:24PM

Summary for all mountain areas

Dry and bright sunshine for almost all British hills. Patches of valley fog in the morning, especially near the coast, lakes or rivers. Warm, temperature rising to over 20C in most valleys. Light winds, sometimes hardly any wind. Excellent visibility, especially toward the north.

Headline for Southern Uplands

Dry, sunny, warm, valley fog in the morning

How windy? (On the summits)

Easterly 10mph or less.

Effect of the wind on you?


How Wet?

Rain not expected

Cloud on the hills?

Hills free of cloud - fog some lower slopes morning

Patches on some lower slopes especially toward Borders below (or well below) 450m morning, most often near rivers and close to the coasts.

Chance of cloud free summits?


Sunshine and air clarity?

Extensive or unbroken bright sunshine. Ribbons of fog some valleys and perhaps lower slopes Borders morning. Excellent visibility.

How Cold? (at 750m)

15C; several degrees colder upland valleys morning.

Freezing Level

Above the summits.

Viewing Forecast For

Southern Uplands
Friday 20th September 2024
Last updated Wed 18th Sep 24 at 1:24PM

How windy? (On the summits)

Easterly 15mph.

Effect of the wind on you?


How Wet?

Rain not expected

Cloud on the hills?

May form at times; perhaps widely Borders

Hills cloud free all day - particularly west of M74. However, there may well be very low cloud, the top of which likely to be below 400m morning. May extend to higher slopes late in day.

Chance of cloud free summits?


Sunshine and air clarity?

Bright sunshine and excellent visibility higher areas; sometimes foggy or misty east of M74, most likely Borders and Lothians.

How Cold? (at 750m)

14C, but very much colder, perhaps only 7C where in cloud and at first in western valleys.

Freezing Level

Above the summits.

Viewing Forecast For

Southern Uplands
Saturday 21st September 2024
Last updated Wed 18th Sep 24 at 1:24PM

How windy? (On the summits)

East to northeasterly, 10-20mph.

Effect of the wind on you?


How Wet?

No rain expected

Cloud on the hills?

Hills often clear

Morning fog in some valleys, dissipating early in the west, in Cheviots and Lothians low cloud slowly lifting and perhaps covering mid-slopes most of the day.

Chance of cloud free summits?

80%, highest west

Sunshine and air clarity?

Sunny, very good visibility but reduced through haze in the air. Highest concentrations in the east.

How Cold? (at 750m)

Around 12C

Freezing Level

Above the summits.

Planning Outlook

High pressure conditions with a lot of sunshine, warm temperatures and calm winds will continue until early next week in Scotland and northern England. In Wales and Peak District from Friday onward mix of sun and clouds, with locally heavy showery bursts of rain, possibly isolated thunder. Beginning of next week showers possible also northern England and parts of Scotland, although Highlands still mostly dry and sunny until mid next week. Then, weather conditions may deteriorate across all British mountains with cooling and strong winds, although further development uncertain.