Southern Uplands

The Galloway hills eastward to the Lammermuir hills. The Cheviots (including higher hills within the adjacent Northumberland NP).

Today's Forecast

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Viewing Forecast For

Southern Uplands
Friday 20th September 2024
Last updated Thu 19th Sep 24 at 1:08PM

Summary for all mountain areas

Sunny, warm and calm with only morning valley fog in the Highlands. Low cloud southern Scotland and northeastern England, inversion, tops above the cloud. Sunny Lake District. East Wales under low cloud, west including Snowdon sunny & dry. Showers in Brecon Beacons. Locally gusty Welsh and English hills.

Headline for Southern Uplands

Sunny west, low cloud in the east. Dry, tops above cloud

How windy? (On the summits)

East to northeasterly 15mph.

Effect of the wind on you?


How Wet?

Rain not expected

Cloud on the hills?

May form at times; perhaps widely Borders

West of M74 hills cloud free all day. In the east very low cloud, the top of which likely to be below 400m morning. May extend to higher slopes afternoon, but tops above 700m should stay above the cloud.

Chance of cloud free summits?


Sunshine and air clarity?

Bright sunshine and excellent visibility higher areas; foggy or misty east of M74, most likely Borders and Lothians.

How Cold? (at 750m)

10 to 13C, colder lower down where in cloud.

Freezing Level

Above the summits.

Viewing Forecast For

Southern Uplands
Saturday 21st September 2024
Last updated Thu 19th Sep 24 at 1:08PM

How windy? (On the summits)

East to northeasterly, 15-20mph, locally 25mph.

Effect of the wind on you?

Fairly small.

How Wet?

No rain expected

Cloud on the hills?

Hills often clear

Morning fog in some valleys, dissipating early in the west, in Cheviots and Lothians low cloud slowly lifting and perhaps covering mid-slopes most of the day. Tops above 600-800m likely above the cloud.

Chance of cloud free summits?

90% west, 30% east but tops often clear

Sunshine and air clarity?

West of M74 sunny and very good visibility. Toward the east low clouds often preventing the sun to reach the ground.

How Cold? (at 750m)

Around 12C

Freezing Level

Above the summits.

Viewing Forecast For

Southern Uplands
Sunday 22nd September 2024
Last updated Thu 19th Sep 24 at 1:08PM

How windy? (On the summits)

Easterly less than 15mph, at times lull.

Effect of the wind on you?


How Wet?

No rain expected

Cloud on the hills?

Eastern hills covered

Lothians and Cheviots mostly in cloud, tops above 600-800m perhaps above the sea of clouds. Toward Galloway hills clear except for morning mist in valleys.

Chance of cloud free summits?


Sunshine and air clarity?

Cloudy in Lothians and in Cheviots, mostly sunny toward Galloway. Visibility good.

How Cold? (at 750m)

9 to 13C

Freezing Level

Above the summits.

Planning Outlook

High pressure conditions with a lot of sunshine, warm temperatures and calm winds continue until early next week in Scotland and northern England. In Wales and Peak District during the weekend heavy showery bursts of rain, possibly thunderstorms. On Monday clouds and brief rain in Scotland. Northern England mostly dry, Peaks and Wales still wet. On Tuesday most likely dry day, before a deep low pressure system arrives on Wednesday/Thursday, bringing strong cooling and a lot of rain to most British mountains. Toward next weekend probably cold and wet, with again some snow on high tops.